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Descriptions of joint movements

The following table shows the different types of movements that are possible. The possible range of movement in synovial joints varies according to their shape, surface and joint type.

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Movement type Description Example
Flexion Decreasing the angle of a joint, or bending a limb Bending the knee
Extension Increasing the angle of a joint, or straightening a limb Straightening the knee
Abduction Taking a limb away from the mid-line of the body Lifting the arms from the side of body
Adduction Taking a limb towards the mid-line of the body Lowering the arms towards the side of the body
Rotation When a limb rotates about it's own axis Looking over your shoulder
Circumduction When one end of the limb describes a circle Doing the butterfly stroke in swimming
Supination Rotation of the forearm causing the palm of the hand to face up Turning your hands from facing down, to turning up
Pronation Rotation of the forearm causing the palm of the hand to face down Turning your hands from facing up to facing down
Eversion At the ankle when the sole of the foot is turned outwards Kicking a football with the instep
Inversion At the ankle when the sole of the foot is turned inwards When you twist your ankle it is excessive inversion
Dorsi flexion At the ankle joint when the toes are pulled upwards towards the shin When you do a calf stretch
Plantar flexion At the ankle when the toes are pointed downwards When you stand on tip toes
Depression Downward movement of the shoulder girdle Pushing the shoulder blades down
Elevation Upward movement of the shoulder girdle Shrugging the shoulders
Horizontal flexion & extension Occurs when the arm (at shoulder height) moves across the body, and back out to the side. Bringing the arm across and then away from the body
Hyper extension Excessive extension beyond straight A crab position in gymnastics
Lateral flexion Bending to the side Tilting of the head
Protraction The shoulders are drawn forwards Rounding of the shoulders
Retraction The shoulders are drawn backwards Opening out the chest

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