Hydration crossword

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. You have 10 minutes to complete!
  1               2        
4             5            
    6   7                  
          10       11        
13             14            


1. Another word for hyperhydration, caused by the rapid intake of water
2. An example of 4 Down
3. Drinking ice cold water to encourage fat loss - However there is no sound scientific evidence to prove this works
5. Describes a drink that usually has less than 4 grams of Carbohydrate per 100mls of fluid
6. This substance turns dark yellow if you are dehydrated
8. Added to drinks to help Athletes recover energy
9. Type of sugar used by muscles
10. Causes fluid loss, caffine is an example of this
12. Drinks that drinks normally have between 4 and 8 grams of Carbohydrate per 100mls of fluid
13. Recomended number of glasses of water a day
14. Best drink for hydration


1. Another term for dehydration
2. Body function for cooling down
4. An imbalance of these is caused by water intoxication (1 Across) and can lead to death!
5. Drinks that a fluid concentration of 8 grams or more of Carbohydrate per 100mls
7. This means replacing lost water
11. Sign that you are dehydrated