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Catell's 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire

Cattell also a trait theorist created an alternative questionnaire named 16PF (16 Personality Factor Questionnaire). The questionnaire has a scale of 1-9, with a list of sixteen different categories of personality characteristics. At each side of the scale are the opposing characteristics. Athletes mark where they lie from 1-9 according to how significant the characteristics are to them. Below are just a few examples of the characteristics included in the questionnaire.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Warm, Sociable X Aloof, stiff
Mentally bright X Mentally dull
Mature, calm X Emotional immature

The crosses represent where an athlete may place themselves. In this example, it has been identified the athlete is more warm, sociable than aloof, stiff, more mentally bright and slightly more emotionally immature than calm.

Each of the categories is grouped and relate to the trait categories they lie in. The trait categories include:

  • High/low anxiety
  • Introversion/extroversion
  • Tough minded/tender minded
  • Independence/subduedness

Benefits of the trait theory questionnaires

The EPI and 16PF can be useful for coaches, managers and athletes so they can identify their teams' personalities. Knowledge of personality characteristics can influence a coach/managers team selection and the position they may play. For example, too many highly extrovert personalities may have a negative effect on performance if they want to be heard and have their own way. On the other hand if they are all introvert no-one may take charge again having a negative effect. (This is also the case for stable and neurotic). Therefore a coach/manager needs to include a mix of personalities.

It may also identify where there are gaps in the team and therefore influence a coach/manager when looking to sign new players. A coach/manager can put in strategies to develop any areas of personality that needs improving to develop an athlete and improve them as individuals and their sporting performance.