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Equal opportunities

Athletes' in the public eye should be promoting equal opportunities at all times. This involves treating everyone they come into contact with equally and with mutual respect. It applies to fans, coaches, managers, drivers, reporters, peers, family, agents, accountants, fellow athletes and so on.

Promoting equal opportunities helps to uphold a positive image of the sport, as well as providing young sportspeople with a good example of how they should treat others and most importantly helping to reduce the incidences of negative issues in sport such as racism, sexism and homophobia.

In 1999, the then England football manager Glenn Hoddle was sacked for making comments about his beliefs of people with disabilities. More information on this incident can be found at the following link:

Glenn was a very well respected ex-England player, and had been a very successful National manager up until this instance. His comments led to his sacking disgracing his otherwise 'clean' image that he had maintained throughout his career. Financially his comments cost him dearly!