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Appropriate role models

It is extremely important for athletes' to remember that as they are in the public eye and are often respected and even adored by some fans of their sport, they must act as role models to young people, other participants and the general public. There has been a recent increase in media coverage of sport, with the introduction of dedicated sports TV and Radio channels, internet news and sport websites and so on. This has led to an increase in the amount of media exposure athletes' experience. Often their behaviour away from the sports arena is covered almost as much as their sporting performances are and this makes it even more important for top level athletes' to behave as role models.

Many athletes' act as excellent role models and work hard to promote playing sport, being healthy and other valuable topics to youngsters across the country. These are known as 'Sporting Ambassadors'. An example of this is top level footballer Wes Brown, who has previously helped the Football Association to launch and promote a strategy called 'Get into Football'. This scheme was aimed at disabled participants, attempting to get them more involved in football and make the sport more popular with people who have a disability.